Error | Description |
R0001 | Application reference could not be resolved. The application object can not be found. In most cases this happens when the application object PBL is created as EXE and PBD at the same time. |
R0001 | Divide by zero |
R0002 | Null object reference or Error failure loading dynamic library. A referenced object is not valid (not created). Can also occur when the object in question cannot be found in the EXE or in one of the PBDs/DLLs. |
R0002 | Null object reference |
R0003 | Array boundary exceeded. The value of the index does not exists in the array. |
R0004 | Enumerated value is out of range for function |
R0005 | Negative value encountered. Some PowerBuilder functions do not allow to have negative values passed to them. |
R0006 | Invalid datawindow row/column specified. Check for row 0 or rownumbers higher than the rowcount or for invalid column names. |
R0007 | Database interface does not support remote procedure calls,
R0007 | Unresolvable external when linking reference |
R0008 | Reference of array with null subscript |
R0009 | Unresolved external when linking reference. In most cases, a PBL is missing from the library searchpath. In other words, at runtime, a specific object can not be found. |
R0009 | DLL function not found in current application |
R0010 | Unsupported argument type in dll function <function>. Check what datatypes are used and check if they are supported. |
R0011 | Internal Runtime engine Failure-Contact Powersoft tech.
Support (NOOP) or
R0011 | Object file is out of date and must be converted to current version |
R0012 | Internal runtime engine failure. Contact PowerSoft Technical Support. NOOP. Full Rebuild! Or error: dw column type does not match getitem type. Check the GetItemxxx functions and see if the datatype of the column you get the data from matches with the datatype of the variable you put it in. |
R0012 | DataWindow column type does not match GetItem type |
R0013 | Unresolved property reference |
R0014 | Error opening DLL library <name>.DLL for external function. DLL can not be found or DLL is not of the same alignment as the PB EXE (bot should be 16bit or 32bit) |
R0015 | Error calling external function. External function does not exists in the given DLL. Check name of function. In 32bit, these are also case sensitive. |
R0016 | Maximum string length exceeded. String exceeds 60000 char limit. With 16bit PB, strings can have as much as 60000 chars. Or negative argument for the space() function. |
R0017 | DataWindow referenced in DataWindow object does not exist |
R0018 | Function doesn't return value. PB expects the function to return a value but due to a if-then-else statement, the function does not return a value. |
R0019 | Cannot convert string in Any variable to <variable>. The datatype of the contents of the ANY variable must match the datatype of the variable to which you want to assign the ANY variable. |
R0020 | SQL has not been properly prepared. Wrong dynamic Sql coding. |
R0020 | DB command has not been successfully prepared. Wrong dynamic Sql coding. |
R0020 | Database command has not been successfully prepared |
R0021 | Bad runtime function reference. The called function has been changed while the scripts calling this function have not been regenerated to see the new function changes. Regenerate! |
R0022 | Unknown object type <objecttype>. Wrong dynamic coding. PB can not create an object with a specified type it doesnt know (mostly specified as a string with typos). |
R0023 | Cannot assign object of type <objecttype1> to variable of type <objecttype2>. You cannot assign a window to a menu object for instance. |
R0024 | (External) Function call does not match function definition. Check function definition and check this with the (external) function declaration. |
R0025 | Double or Real expression has overflowed. Dubious error. |
R0026 | Runtime assignment not supported...(runtime assignment). Some properties are readonly and many not be modified a runtime such menuitem shortcuts, window windowtypes etc. |
R0026 | Field name assignment not supported |
R0027 | Cannot take a negative to a noninteger power |
R0028 | VBX Error: name |
R0029 | Specified argument type differs from required argument type at runtime. Regenerate to see the offending line / object. |
R0029 | Nonarray expected in ANY variable |
R0030 | External object does not support data type <datatype>. |
R0031 | External object data type namenot supported |
R0032 | Name not found calling external object <object>. OLE error, dynamic function calls fails because the function does not exist |
R0033 | Invalid parmameter type calling external object function. Function fails because the OLE object function expects another datatype for one of its arguments. |
R0034 | Incorrect number of parameters calling external function <function name> |
R0035 | Error calling external object function <function>. The external function call fails because for instance the OLE object/server has died. |
R0036 | Name not found accessing external object property <property>. |
R0037 | Type mismatch accessing external object property <property> |
R0038 | Incorrect number of subscripts accessing external object property name |
R0039 | Error accessing external object property <property>. |
R0040 | Argument mismatch with any type at line x of the function. |
R0040 | Mismatched ANY data types in expression |
R0041 | Illegal ANY data type in expression |
R0042 | Specified argument type differs from required argument type at runtime in DLL function <externalfunction>. One of the external function arguments except a value of another type. |
R0043 | Parent object doesn't exist |
R0044 | Function has conflicting argument or return type in ancestor |
R0045 | Internal table overflow, max number of objects exceeded. With 16bit PB, you can have a maximum of 2729 objects alive at one time. 32bit PB, limited by hardware. |
R0046 | Specified arguments differs from definition. The called function/event is defined different. Regenerate the calling object to find the offending code. |
R0046 | Null object reference cannot be assigned or passed to a variable of this type |
R0047 | Array expected in ANY variable |
R0048 | Size mismatch in array to object conversion |
R0049 | Type mismatch in ANY to object conversion |
R0049 | Type mismatch in array to object conversion |
R0050 | Application reference can not be resolved. One possibility is that some (PB) DLLs are missing or of a wrong version. See R0001 also. |
R0050 | Distributed Service Error |
R0051 | Bad Argument List for Function/Event |
R0052 | Distributed Communications Error |
R0053 | Requested server not active |
R0054 | Server not accepting requests |
R0055 | Request terminated abnormally |
R0056 | DB interface does not support remote procedure calls |
R0056 | Response to request incomplete |
R0057 | Not connected to DPB server |
R0058 | Object instance does not exist |
R0059 | Invalid column range |
R0060 | Internal runtime engine failure. contact ps tech support (noop). This error happens when migrating. Regenerate all sources in the old PB environment first before migrating. Secondly, what when the error occurs and modify (outcomment) the source in the old PB env and migrate again. |
R0060 | Invalid row range |
R0061 | Invalid conversion of number dimensional array to object |
R0062 | Server busy |
R0063 | Function/event with no return value used in expression |
R0064 | Object array expected in left side of assignment |
R0065 | Dynamic function not found. If you cann a function usingthe DYNAMIC keyword and the function can not be found at runtime, you get this error. Or, there is a pass by value/reference mismatch. |
R0066 | Invalid subscript for array index operation |
R0067 | NULL object reference cannot be assigned or passed to an autoinstantiate |
R0068 | NULL object reference cannot be passed to external DLL function name |
R0069 | Function name cannot be called from a secured runtime session |
R0070 | External DLL function name cannot be called from a secured runtime session |
R0071 | General protection fault occurred |
R0072 | name failed with an operating system error code of number |
R0073 | Reference parameters cannot be passed to an asynchronous shared/remote object method |
R0074 | Reference parameters cannot be passed to a shared object method |
R0075 | The server has forced the client to disconnect |
R0076 | Passing NULL as a parameter to external function name |
R0077 | Object passed to shared/remote object method is not a nonvisual user object |
R0078 | Listen can only be done in Enterprise version of PowerBuilder |
R0079 | The argument to name must be an array |
R0080 | The server has timed out the client connection |
R0081 | Function argument file creator must be a four character string |
R0082 | Function argument file type must be a four character string |
R0083 | Attempt to invoke a function or event that is not accessible |
R0084 | Wrong number of arguments passed to function/event call |
R0085 | Error in reference argument passed in function/event call |
R0086 | Ambiguous function/event reference |
R0087 | The connection to the server has been lost |
R0088 | Cannot ask for ClassDefinition Information on open painter: name |
R0089 | 5.0 style proxy objects are not supported. Copy the new style proxy that was generated at migration time |
R0090 | Cannot assign array of type name to variable of type array of name |
R1004 | Null object reference. See R0002. |
R1005 | Array boudary exceeded. See R0003 |
R1009 | Unresolvable external <> when linking reference. See R0009. |
R1012 | Object file <> is out of date, must be converted to current version. Migrate / regenerate. When this is failing, export the object, change the contents and import it again. Backup first! |
R1013 | Object file <> is out of date, must be converted to current version. See R1012. |
R1016 | Error opening DLL <dllname> for external function <functioname>. See R0014. |
R1017 | Error calling external function. See R0035. |
R1023 | Bad runtime function reference. See R0021. |
R1025 | Cannot assign object of type <type1> to variable of type <type2>. See R0023. |
R1032 | Cannot find datatype. |
R1034 | Name not found calling external object function. See R0032. |
R1037 | Error calling external object function See.R0015. |
R1041 | Error accessing external object property <property> of <datawindow>. |
R1053 | ?? |
R1071 | Function <functionname> cannot be called from a secured runtime session. Has to do with using the window plugin and the security settings in the Internet Explorer |
R1075 | Reference parameters cannot be passed to shared/remote objects. |
R1078 | Passing NULL as parameter to external function. Should be fixed. |
R1085 | Attempt to invoke a function or event that is not accessible (i.e private of protected ) |
R1090 | Cannot ask for Class Definition on open painter (iow, cannot debug when painters are open) |
R4198 | OLE command failed. OLE error generated by OLE server. |