![]() | PowerBuilder structure definitions for use with Win32 API |
Name |
Note |
str_browseinfo | $PBExportHeader$str_browseinfo.srs global type str_browseinfo from structure long hwndowner long pidlroot string pszdisplayname string lpsztitle unsignedinteger ulflags long lpfn long lparam integer iimage end type |
str_logfont | $PBExportHeader$str_logfont.srs global type str_logfont from structure long lfheight long lfwidth long lfescapement long lforientation long lfweight character lfitalic character lfunderline character lfstrikeout character lfcharset character lfoutprecision character lfclipprecision character lfquality character lfpitchandfamily character lffacename[32] end type |
str_choosefont | $PBExportHeader$str_choosefont.srs global type str_choosefont from structure long lstructsize unsignedlong hwndowner unsignedlong hdc long lplogfont long ipointsize long flags long rgbcolors long lcustdata long lpfnhook string lptemplatename unsignedlong hinstance string lpszstyle integer nfonttype integer missingalignment unsignedlong nsizemin unsignedlong nsizemax end type |
Lstructsize = 60 |
str_browseinfo |
Str_choosecolor |
Lstructsize = 36 |
str_connectioninfo |
str_filedata |
str_filedatetime |
str_fileversioninfo |
str_linger | $PBExportHeader$str_linger.srs
$PBExportComments$Winsock linger structure for setsockoptions global type str_linger from structure integer l_onoff integer l_linger end type |
str_memorystatus |
DwLength = 40 |
str_minmaxinfo |
str_point |
str_procssentry32 | $PBExportHeader$str_processentry32.srs global type str_PROCESSENTRY32 from structure ulong dwSize ulong cntUsage ulong th32ProcessID ulong th32DefaultHeapID ulong th32ModuleID ulong cntThreads ulong th32ParentProcessID LONG pcPriClassBase ulong dwFlags char szExeFile[256] end type |
str_processinformation | $PBExportHeader$str_processinformation.srs global type str_processinformation from structure ulong hprocess ulong hthread long dwprocessid long dwthreadid end type |
str_rasconn |
Dwsize = 412 |
str_rasdialdlg |
Dwsize = 36 |
str_rasdialextensions |
Dwsize = 16 |
str_rasdialparms |
Dwsize = 1052 |
str_rasentryname |
Dwsize = 264 |
str_rasstatus |
Dwsize = 160 |
str_remote_name_info | $PBExportHeader$str_remote_name_info.srs global type str_remote_name_info from structure string universalname string connexionname string remainingpath end type |
str_securityattributes | $PBExportHeader$str_securityattributes.srs global type str_securityattributes from structure ulong nlength ulong lpSecurityDescriptor boolean bInheritHandle end type |
str_startupinfo | $PBExportHeader$str_startupinfo.srs global type str_startupinfo from structure long cb string lpreserved string lpdesktop string lptitle long dwx long dwy long dwxsize long dwysize long dwxcountchars long dwycountchars long dwfillattribute long dwflags long wshowwindow long cbreserved2 long lpreserved2 ulong hstdinput ulong hstdoutput ulong hstderror end type |
str_systemtime |
str_transarray |
str_vs_fixedfileinfo |
str_wksta_user_info_1 | $PBExportHeader$wksta_user_info_1.srs global type wksta_user_info_1 from structure long username long logon_domain long oth_domains long logon_server end type |
str_sockaddr | $PBExportHeader$str_sockaddr.srs
$PBExportComments$WINSOCK sockaddr structure for connect and bind global type str_sockaddr from structure integer sin_family unsignedinteger sin_port character sin_addr[4] character sin_zero[8] end type |
str_wsadata | $PBExportHeader$str_wsadata.srs
$PBExportComments$WINSOCK structure for WSAStartup global type str_wsadata from structure unsignedinteger version unsignedinteger highversion character description[257] character systemstatus[129] unsignedinteger maxsockets unsignedinteger maxupddg string vendorinfo end type |