Author: | Eric Aling |
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This is a little routine to get all the network drives, that is, letters mapped to network drivers. What we do is we walk through the alphabet, looking op every letter that is mapped to a network drive. This can be done by using the Windows API function WNETGetConnection(). It now starts with letter 'A', but you can modify that to let it start by i.e. the 'F'.
For 16bit, use the following external function:
FUNCTION UINT WNetGetConnection( ref string ln, ref string rn, ref uint cb ) library "user.exe"
For 32bit, use this one:
FUNCTION UINT WNetGetConnectionA( ref string ln, ref string rn, ref uint cb ) library "mpr.dll"
Use the following script in a listbox userobject, for instance in the constructor event. The instance variable ii_bShowNotConnected lets you also display not connected drive letters. Default, set it to FALSE.
string ls_LocalName string ls_RemoteName int i_iX uint ui_cb FOR iX = 1 to 26
ls_LocalName = char ( 64 + iX ) + ":" l_sRemoteName = space(128) ui_cb = 127
IF WNetGetConnectionA( ls_LocalName, ls_RemoteName, ui_cb ) = 0 THEN This.AddItem ( ls_LocalName + "~t- " + ls_RemoteName ) ELSE IF ii_bShowNotConnected THEN This.AddItem ( ls_LocalName + "~t- not connected" ) END IF END IF