Author: | Eric Aling |
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This PB zipfile allows you to call the standard windows dialog box for choosing a color. Besides that, you can add custom colors which will be stored in an array of 16 long values, and you can start the dialog box with an initial selected color. This functonality is based on the windows API function ChooseColor, which accepts an CHOOSECOLOR structure as argument.
Also the external functions GlobalAlloc, GlobalLock, Globalunlock and GlobalFree are used for stored the custom colors in a piece of memory. Secondly, the RtlMoveMemory function is used ( an alias for CopyMemory ) to move this piece of memory to our array of 16 long values and vice versa. Although this is pretty basic stuff, you can learn a lot of it for other purposes. Especially with the allocation and copymemory functions, you can do many thing like working with pointers to pieces of memory or moving memory to structures. Check out the code for the ChooseColor function ( boolean wf_ChooseColor ( ref long al_rgbresult ):
str_ChooseColor lstr_ChooseColor boolean lb_ok ulong lul_hmem // Set initialul_hMemcolor lstr_ChooseColor.rgbresult = al_rgbresult // Flag = RGBInit lstr_choosecolor.flags = 1 // No owner necessary SetNull(lstr_choosecolor.hwndOwner) // Allocate memory for custom colors, 64 bytes ( 16 * 4 long values ) */ lul_hMem = globalAlloc(2,64) lul_hMem = globallock (lul_hMem) // copy custum colors to memory, il_Cust is defined as long[16] CopyMemory(lul_hMem,il_Cust,64) // and assign to structure for further use by function lstr_ChooseColor.lpCustColors = lul_hMem // finally, set structure size lstr_choosecolor.lStructSize = 36 // call function lb_ok = ChooseColorA ( lstr_choosecolor ) // copy result into variables if lb_ok then al_rgbresult = lstr_ChooseColor.rgbresult CopyMemory(il_Cust,lul_hMem,64) end if // free used resources (custom color reside in instance array globalunlock(lul_hMem) globalfree(lul_hMem) return lb_ok
Download the example and run it.
Good luck!